*********************** Changes to To-do List *********************** So what's new in version 2.2.0? ------------------------------- - Copy tasks to the clipboard. - Directly paste any text from the clipboard as new task(s). - Right-click pop-up menu. - Double-click task to edit it. So what's new in version 2.0.6? ------------------------------- - Added support for page margin adjustment to the printing dialog box. - Enhancements to the Font and Size selection process. So what's new in version 2.0.5? ------------------------------- - Fixed the bug that prevented multiple pages being printed. So what's new in version 2.0.4? ------------------------------- - We accidentally shipped version 2.0.3 without a help file - this version includes it. So what's new in version 2.0.3? ------------------------------- - Auto-saves To-do List data to overcome problem with data not being saved on Windows NT systems or if the PC is reset or switched off without shutting down Windows properly. - To-do List warns about needing to restart program after changing Always On Top status. So what's new in version 2.0.1? ------------------------------- - To-do List prevents multiple instances running which can cause the list of tasks to be lost. So what's new in version 2.0.0? ------------------------------- - Printing! - Drag-and-Drop task re-ordering. - Task list -- task names are no longer truncated unnecessarily. - Can minimize to system tray icon. - A number of small but perfectly formed improvements.